Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Unfortunately alive, but hopefully happy and succeeding.
Do you want to get married? Only if it’s someone who is worth it, but right now, no.
Do you want to have children? Hell nah.
Do you want to move? If yes, where? Yes! Preferably to Washington, DC.
How does your dream house look like? Victorian, impossing, and black; or a cozy one-story log cabin. Anything aesthetic.
What is your dream job? Museum archivist, a librarian in the Congress Library, or a professional academic.
What are five things you want to do before you die? Date my crush, graduate, finish my TBR.
Are you scared of the future? Yes.
What’s your biggest dream you would like to achive in life? Visit Washington, D.C. and work at the Congress Library.
What would be the ideal age for you to die? Anytime soon.